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[ACC2012]心力衰竭治疗进展——Marvin A. Konstam教授专访

编辑:MarvinA.Konstam 时间:2012/3/25 18:38:54专家访谈(专题)  关键字:Marvin A. Konstam 心力衰竭 干细胞 肾脏交感神经系统 

  <International Circulation>:  How do you decide when to implant a ventricular assist device (VAD)?

  Dr Konstam: VADs are assist devices generally reserved at this point for very sick patients and patients with very advanced disease. There is an interest in migrating them towards less sick patients.  There is a trial that either has started or very soon will start looking to see whether they can be migrated as a favorable utility in less sick patients. Based on the current generation of VADs, I am skeptical about that because I think that, while the continuous flow VADs, axial flow pumps and centrifugal flow pumps that we have right now are better and more reliable than the first generation (the displacement pumps which were clunkier and had shorter life spans), they are still very complex devices with significant comorbidities.The driveline is externalized and can be associated with driveline infections. They are prone to thrombotic events. They are prone to mechanical dysfunction and the care for such patients is really limited to specialized centers. So personally, I am skeptical that the present generation of VADs is going to be translatable to a much broader population. However, projections are that this is the direction in which things will happen. I think those projections, to a large extent, are based on the assumption that there is going to be a new generation of VADs that have: even fewer comorbidities associated with them, are easier to maintain, are more reliable, less prone to thrombotic events, and, in particular, able to be rid of the driveline. I know there is work being done on transcutaneous power transduction, for instance. If we can ever get there and get rid of the driveline, that would be a big move in the right direction. It is an annoyance, the user has to carry the battery pack, and the infection rate is substantial. The patients themselves have to be quite sophisticated to properly care for it. It is really hard for me to visualize a much less sick patient having the case made to them that this is what they should do for a lot of reasons, but certainly one of them is the driveline.





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