
[ASH2010]The Screening Techniques and Mechanisms of Renovascular hypertension——Lerman教授专访

Lilach O. Lerman ASH 2010 Interview

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/5/21 11:42:00


<International Circulation>: The non-invasive screening techniques for renovascular hypertension include MR angiography, CT angiography, Doppler ultrasound and captopril renal scintigraphy. Do you have any advice on how physicians should choose these techniques?


    <International Circulation>:  What are the mechanisms of tissue injury in renal artery stenosis?


    Prof. Lerman: The mechanisms appear to involve an increase in oxidative stress that may be the result of the activation of angiotensin II. Angiotensin II, which is released by renin due to the decrease in renal perfusion pressure, increases expression of enzymes that produce oxygen radicals and this causes an increase in oxidative stress. In addition, there is an increase in inflammation probably due to ischemia but this mechanism is secondary to oxidative stress and hypoxia. Whether hypoxia contributes directly to renal injury is still controversial because clinical trials have not shown that there is a decrease in oxygen supply to the kidney in a global way. However, there seems to be a regional lack of oxygen in the kidney so there may be a role for ischemia as well. It appears that one of the major culprits is angiotensin II, which is activated initially as a defense mechanism to preserve the function of the kidney and increase blood pressure because of the hypoperfusion of the kidney.


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Prof. LermanRenovascular hypertension

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