
[ACC2011]Timothy D. Henry谈难治性心绞痛的细胞疗法

作者:  TimothyD.Henry   日期:2011/3/29 16:07:18


(1) Earlier clinical trials have proven cellular therapy to treat refractory angina is effective, whether can this technique be used in clinics now? How? What’s the relationship between stem cell and mechanisms of cardiac repair?

    <International Circulation>: You mentioned in your session that a lot of these trials are quite small. Does a country like China with its large population base, allow you to make larger steps forward?


    Dr Henry: It is a tremendous opportunity. I think you see that both in India and in China, where there are very large populations where coronary disease is a major issue. The key is designing those trials in a sound scientific manner so you can answer questions. That’s critically important.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

Timothy D. Henry顽固性心绞痛心力衰竭细胞疗法

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