[ACC2011]Albert J. Sinusas博士谈分子核医学成像系统MicroSPECT应用前景
<International Circulation>: What are the differences between microSPECT and microPET?
Dr Sinusas: One of the problems with microPET with regard to small animal imaging is that there are some inherent limitations with the physics of coincidence detection that involve variation in the angle of the 180 degree separation of the two 511 keV photons. There are also different positron ranges in PET tracers so if they have a higher energy positron, they will migrate before they annihilate and that migration, depending on the PET tracer, can be as much as a centimeter. Even though you can detect the coincidence with high precision, you don’t know where that positron actually originated. That is a limitation with SPECT. In clinical imaging, we are operating in ranges where that isn’t as critical.
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