
[AHA2011]阵发性房颤研究进展——Nielson 教授专访

作者:  JensCosedisNielson   日期:2011/11/22 13:50:47



    <International circulation >: So you think the patients intension is the most important criteria?


    Professor  Nielson : I think that the patient should be involved in the decision of which treatment should be selected for themselves. Yes they should get this information (that) there are different options (such as) ablation and drug therapy. Which one they should choose is not clear, but when they have this information about advantages and risks between the two, they can contribute in choosing the correct treatment.

     Nielson 教授:我认为患者应该参与对他们自己选择哪种治疗的决定。他们应该得到关于不同治疗选择,如消融和药物治疗的信息。他们会选择哪个并不确定,但是如果他们得知了两者的获益和风险之后,他们就可以协助医生做出正确选择。

    <International circulation >: So what is the current standard clinical practice in treating pAF patients?

    Professor  Nielson :  The current standard still is -- most patients will start antiarrhythmic drug treatment first. But in selected patients, younger patients, we will discuss that there are more treatment options, such as ablation first, or ablation if drugs are not effective. Then we will involve the patients in making this decision. 


    <International circulation >: So it’s quite similar to these trials conclusions?

    Professor  Nielson :  Yes

    <International circulation >:  And so do you think this conclusion is strong enough to change our guidelines?

    Professor  Nielson : I think that according to the European guidelines, they are pretty much supported by this trial. That in select patients after careful information is given, you could use ablation as first line treatment, but it is not first line treatment for all patients with paroxysmal AF, not at all.

     Nielson 教授:我认为我们的试验很大程度上支持欧洲指南。在告知患者详细信息之后,你可以将消融作为一线治疗,但是并不是所有的阵发性房颤患者都应将其作为一线治疗。
    <International circulation >: Thank you very much



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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

阵发性房颤Jens Cosedis Nielson

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