
[GWICC2013]遗传性心律失常诊治——Slivia G Priori教授专访

作者:  S.G.Priori   日期:2013/11/28 14:48:42



  <International Circulation>: What are the updates and new recommendations for the risk stratification in the latest publishedHRS / EHRA / APHRSfor Diagnosis and Management of Inherited Arrhythmias?Compared with the previous guidelines, what key changes have the new guidelines done for the Diagnosis and Management of Inherited Arrhythmias?

  Prof. Priori: I think the most important things that I highlight in my presentation are that, for long QT syndrome, the new guidelines recommend more careful diagnosis, especially if the patient has a mild prolongation of the QT interval. Just be sure before diagnosing the disease that the QT prolongation is present over time, not just as a one-time observation. The other important thing is to be sure that the patient is not taking medication that prolongs the QT interval, because that symptom could be not genetic prolongation.

  One of the most important recommendations for management in these patients is found when considering the complication of the use of ICD in young people, especially children and adolescents. As such, there is a strong recommendation to implant only after beta-blockers have failed. But in patients who have survived a cardiac arrest, the ICD should be the first line of treatment, combined with a beta-blocker. For patients with Brugada syndrome, there are quite a few important new diagnostic criteria.

  The most important one is that we need to record lead B2 and B3 not only at the fourth intercostal space but also by lifting them one or two intercostal spaces above the standard position. If the ST segment elevation is present even in only one lead, we can diagnose the disease. As you can imagine, it means that more people would be diagnosed with this condition, and if you match the fact that we would have more diagnoses with the fact that we have no therapy, we need to be careful not to implant too many defibrillators. So the recommendation for re-stratification is that only the patients who have spontaneous patterns, an abnormality that is clearly visible, and a previous syncopal episode likely to be caused by an arrhythmia (to clarify the differential diagnosis: something that is not vasovagal), than only these patients really require a defibrillator.

  For CPVT, I think the most important recommendation is to perform the exercise stress test for diagnosis and for therapy again, to use beta-blockers as the first line. If beta-blockers fail, add a sodium channel blocker. If the sodium channel blockers fail, than it’s time to put the patient on ICD.



  <International Circulation>: You mentioned you would like to mention the genetic background of these diseases in a bit more detail.

  Prof. Priori: Yes. The genetic testing is something very useful and helpful for clinicians. It can confirm a suspected diagnosis. In long QT syndrome, the genetics are quite advanced. We have 14 genes that cause this disease, but three are the key genes, and they all produce proteins that make ion channels. Therefore, there is one gene that encodes for the protein that makes potassium channel; a second that encodes for cardiac sodium channel and a third is a different potassium channel. With screening these three genes, one could genotype up to 90% of the patients with long QT syndrome, a very successful yield.

  For Brugada syndrome, the situation is just the opposite. The most important genes encode for the sodium channel and cardiac channel in the heart, but the yield of genotyping is only about 30%. So we still have to discover many genes for Brugada syndrome. In CPVT, the situation is again different. Here, we have one gene, ion calcium receptor, which regulates intracellular calcium, and accounts for approximately 70% of the cases. Thus, physicians need to have in mind that, especially for long QT and CPVT syndrome, it’s very cost effective to try and get access to genetic testing for their patients.



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