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国际循环 时间:2008/4/1 15:44:00  关键字:Goldhaber 深静脉血栓 肺栓塞 磺达肝癸钠 
1. <International Circulation>: One indication of fondaparinux is for the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis which may lead to pulmonary embolism. We all know that DVT is a major complication in some patients with big surgery such as abdominal surgery, hip replacement, or knee replacement surgery and more. In China, Seldom to prescribe anticoagulant agents to these patients is often due to physicians’ perceiving the risk of major bleeding in association with anticoagulant therapy as unacceptably high. What is the status of anticoagulant for the prophylaxis of DVI in USA at present? Would you like to share us your experience of fondaparinux or other anticoagulants for the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis?


Prof.Samuel Z. Goldhaber: In the US, DVT and pulmonary embolism are the third major cause of cardiovascular death and disability. Myocardial infarciton is no. 1 and stroke is no. 2. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is no. 3. It’s very difficult to make the diagnosis of DVT and to make diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. So it’s much easier to prevent DVT and to prevent pulmonary embolism rather than to try to diagnose it and then treat it. So for us, prevention is very important. And we do routine prophylaxis with anti-coagulants for patients who are in the hospital at high medical risk, patiens with cancer, pnermonia, immobility, stroke and patients of high surgical risk who are undergoing major surgery or who suffer from major trauma. All these patients we give small daily doses of injected anti-coagulant to prevent DVT and to prevent pulmonary embolism.  

Samuel Z. Goldhaber教授:在美国,深静脉血栓形成(DVT)和肺栓塞是心血管死亡和残疾的第三大原因。心肌梗死和卒中分列第一位和第二位。DVT和肺栓塞均难以诊断。因此,与试图确诊和治疗这两个疾病相比,预防更容易些。预防对我们来说非常重要。对院内高危患者常规地给予抗凝剂的预防性治疗,例如癌症、肺炎、卧床、卒中、接受大手术或有重大创伤的外科高危患者。所有患者每日均注射小剂量抗凝剂以预防DVT和肺栓塞的发生。

2. <International Circulation>: OASIS-5 shows that similar efficacy of fondaparinux and enoxaparin in reducing cardiac events, but a significant reduction in bleeding with fondaparinux in non-ST-elevation ACS patients, this net benefit is seen both in the medical approach and in the interventional approach. This net benefit is being seen both in the medical approach and in the interventional approach. OASIS 6 trials shows that primary end and severe bleeds did not differ significantly between the two groups in patients STEACS undergoing primary PCI, but there was a higher rate of guiding catheter thrombosis and more coronary complications with fondaparinux. Why did these trials have different results for patients undergoing PCI? Is it safe for patients who underwent PCI to receive fondaparinux therapy? How to avoid these complications if we have used fondaparinux before PCI?


Prof.Samuel Z. Goldhaber: For patients undergoing PCI, they might require supplemental heparin on top of the fondaparinux. But for patients with hip fracture, total hip replacement or total knee replacement, there is FDA approval to give fondaparinux 2.5mg once daily. To avoid the complication, you have to make sure that the fondaparinux is given just before the PCI or to supplement the fondaparinux with additional intravenous heparin. If you have long time elapses between the fondaparinux and the PCI, then it is important to give the intravenous heparin. 


3. <International Circulation>: From pharmacology, we can learn that fondaparinux does not activated factor II and affect platelet function or fibrinolytic activity at the recommended dose, so fondaparinux is relatively safe and does not require routine monitoring. But in clinical practice, many patients take aspirin, clopidogrel or warfarin together to prevent blood clots. How to use fondaparinux in those patients? How to reduce the risk of bleeding?


Prof.Samuel Z. Goldhaber: So patients will generally require small doses of aspirin in addition to fondaparinux. The two work together. so I think for ACS these two agents will be recommended together to be used before PCI.

Samuel Z. Goldhaber教授:通常除了磺达肝癸钠以外,患者还需要小剂量的阿司匹林。两者协同发挥作用。因此,我认为对于ACS来讲,会一起推荐磺达肝癸钠和阿司匹林,在PCI之前应用。

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