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[ACC2010]舒张功能不全心衰与收缩功能不全的比较--John E. Sanderson教授专访

国际循环 时间:2010/3/18 18:48:00  关键字:舒张功能不全 收缩功能不全 

Can you have heart failure symptoms, even though there is no evidence of diastolic dysfunction?

Yes, that is technically possible.  One of the best measures of diastolic dysfunction is left atrial volume.  We have seen patients who have completely normal echo cardiograms at rest, but when you exercise them and you do slightly more sophisticated measurements such as long-axis function and strain and torsion, and they are clearly abnormal.   In fact, we have a publication coming out in Heart  journal in which a group of hypertension patients who had no LVH and completely normal echoes at rest, but were breathless, had significant abnormalities of ventricular function on exercise.   So it is possible to be breathless due to cardiac dysfunction, but have a normal echocardiogram at rest.

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