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国际循环 时间:2009/9/3 18:26:00  关键字:ACCOMPLISH Düsing 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation: Can you discuss the safety and target organ protection of valsartan/ amlodipine SPC (Exforge®) in antihypertensive therapy?


Dr Dusing:  If you look at the ACCOMPLISH trial you have a 20% difference in the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint was a composite endpoint with very hard parts and some soft ones. If you look at the secondary endpoint in the ACCOMPLISH trial, however, which is the hard classical combined endpoint including cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and non-fatal stroke, it is also 20% better with the ACE inhibitor/CCB combination. Tolerability was good with the only side effect of the CCB, ankle edema, which however is ameliorated with the RAS blocker.

Dusing教授:ACCOMPLISH研究结果显示,主要终点上有20%的差异。该研究的主要终点是一个复合终点,其中有硬终点也有一些软终点。然而,该研究的二级终点是典型硬终点的联合终点,包括心血管死亡、非致死性心肌梗死和非致死性卒中,其结果亦显示ACE抑制剂/CCB 联合更优,差异达20%。该联合耐受性良好,CCB惟一的不良反应踝部水肿也应联合RAS抑制剂而改善。

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