[ACC2010]对II型糖尿病患者而言,血压控制在减少心血管死亡和全因死亡方面的作用--William C. Cushman教授专访
<International Circulation>:
Can you compare and contrast the differences between ACCORD and ADVANCE?
<Prof Cushman>:
ADVANCE gave two very good medicines: a thiazide diuretic and an ACE inhibitor compared to placebo, on top of other therapies in diabetics. ADVANCE was a bigger population since they put their entire 10000+ people on drug or placebo for blood pressure. ADVANCE was not a blood pressure goal study, so they had no goal at all. They ended up with a mean blood pressure in the intensively treated group of 135mmHg. That is right at or right above what our standard group was, so I do consider ADVANCE a positive study as they did get a 14% reduction in mortality even though the macro-vascular outcomes were not significantly reduced, but overall it was a positive study. To me, it says that our standard group and their intensively treated group which were very similar in blood pressure level, is a good level to be at in diabetics.
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