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[ACC2010]对II型糖尿病患者而言,血压控制在减少心血管死亡和全因死亡方面的作用--William C. Cushman教授专访
<International Circulation>: Could you please share your opinion regarding the role blood pressure controlling plays in reducing cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality in Type 2 diabetes mellitus?
<Prof Cushman>: Of course, we were not studying all-cause mortality as our primary outcome. The good thing was that we had no significant increase in mortality in the intensively treated group but overall our event rates were lower than what we had expected. Based on studies like ADVANCE and other smaller studies like United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes and the HOT study, even though mortality was not the primary outcome for those studies, I think that indirectly it suggests that there is certainly benefit for mortality, especially with ADVANCE. ADVANCE clearly says that there is mortality benefit.
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