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国际循环 时间:2009/9/3 18:26:00  关键字:单片复方制剂 高血压治疗 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  Can you talk about the advantages of valsartan/ amlodipine combination in a single pill  (Exforge®)for reducing side effects?


Professor Weir:  Well we have known for many years that one of the side effects of calcium channel blockers is some pedal edema.  It can be attenuate with the use of drugs that block the renin angiotensin system – either an ACE inhibitor or in this case an angiotensin receptor blocker so in fact giving these two together is a better strategy for reducing the likelihood of side effects, particular the pedal edema.  And given the fact that hypertension is a lifelong progressive asymptomatic disease process, this is obviously a natural fit.


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