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国际循环 时间:2009/9/3 18:26:00  关键字:单片复方制剂 高血压治疗 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  The period to reach the target blood pressure with valsartan amlodipine single pill combation is shorter than with monotherapy. Do you consider that valsartan amlodipine single pill(Exforge) the good choice for the patients with high risk need to control blood pressure optimally in short time?


Professor Weir:  There is more and more evidence that promptness in controlling blood pressure is in fact important.  You know the old story was start low go slow and you may not ever reach appropriate targets.  In this case, we do have enough evidence now to show that the timely control of blood pressure does make a difference and it is quite evident using this type of single pill combination particularly right at the outset does facilitate earlier control of both diastolic and systolic blood pressure.  So from that sense, it does make sense.


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